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What Does It Do and What Can It Help ? 


The first misconception we need to clear up is the falsehood that magnets only affect

iron objects.  NOT SO!


Every substance on earth can be charged with magnetism because the electrons in the molecules are constantly spinning.  Acting like miniature bar magnets, their charge can be changed and ordered by an outside electric or magnetic force.  It is called ionisation!  Fluids and gasses are more easily charged than solids.


Every living thing has a magnetic field – it is part of its ordered “Life Force”.  Imbalance in the body’s magnetic field can lead to pain, disease and ultimately death.


Over the past 100 years planet earth has in one of its periodical cyclical variations, lost 5% of its magnetic field.  Coincidentally there has been a huge increase in the amount of man-made electro-magnetic fields, much of it harmful, including microwave radiation from mobile phones, electrical cables and all the various electro-magnetic waves we use for communication.  These waves are strongly suspected to contributing to “modern” diseases like M.E. and Cancer.


It may be that the wearing of a magnet restores the balance we have lost in modern times or it may be providing an extra protective boost but it is certain that the wearing of a rare earth magnetic field on a pulse charges up the blood.  It stimulates the bloods ability to absorb and carry larger amounts of oxygen and nutrients and to digest and dispose of toxins.  It acts as a catalyst for the blood to do its job more efficiently.


Aches and pains / PMT / Cervical Radiculopathy / Headaches / Migraine / Backache / Rotator Cuff Syndrome / Arthritis / Osteoarthritis / Alzheimer’s disease / Senility / Fibiositis / Sciatica / Parkinson’s disease / Rheumatism / Frozen shoulder / Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) / Tennis Elbow / Inflammation / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) / Blood circulation problems / Wounds / Healing / Burns / Cold feet / Chilblains / Stress / Tension / Hangovers / Reynaud’s disease (loss of blood to the extremities) / Space sickness (Astronauts only) / High blood pressure.





General positive benefits are that it could help prevent all of the above it generally boosts the immune system and keeps colds and flu at bay.  There have been recent reports regarding chronic conditions such as tinnitus and psoriasis. 


Personal experiences from individuals who are generally fit and healthy include no more headaches, a general sense of wellbeing, increased strength and endurance for physical work, walking and even jogging.

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